College Ministry Planning

Whether you are a campus ministry leader, student, or college pastor, we want to help you share the Gospel on your college campus. Below are specific suggestions for planning and implementing a My Hope event on a college campus. Please use whatever is helpful to your ministry.

Campus Ministry Outreach Timeline

8 Weeks Prior

Preview the My Hope films. Then consider downloading the free BGEA App for quick access to films and resources. Watch the film/films with your student leadership team. Think and pray as a group about ways to reach your campus. Set a date for the outreach.

6 Weeks Prior

Show a film trailer or film of your choice during your weekly gathering. Afterwards, give every student a My Hope Prayer Card. Lead your students to write 1 name on the card that night. Share details about upcoming outreach: date, time, place. Pick one or more of your students to share a brief testimony at the outreach.


Remind your students to pray for the names on their prayer cards. Consider showing any of the promotional films to students during weekly gatherings. Encourage students to make an effort to build intentional relationships with those on their prayer card.

1 Week Prior

Encourage Students to invite friends to the outreach. Give students several My Hope Invitation Cards to invite their friends to attend. Also, consider passing out invite cards on campus in areas where students gather. Check in with your students that will be sharing their testimony that night.

Day of The Outreach

Confirm the best way to make a clear invitation to receive Christ, as well as collecting information for follow up.

Night of The Outreach

Show the film. Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw students and speak to their hearts! Afterwards, invite those in attendance to put their faith in Jesus. Begin follow up with those that accepted Christ by praying with them.

The Week After the Outreach

Report what God did through your outreach on the Share Your Story page. Please share the attendance and the number of first-time salvations and rededications. Celebrate what happened the next time your students gather together. Ensure each new believer is guided into a Bible study. Consider using Living in Christ booklets to teach the first steps of faith in Christ.

Campus Ministry Small Group Options

Small Group Bible Study

Have your bible study leaders pick a date to use one of their small group meetings as an outreach. Have a short bible study, and then share the film via DVD or on a tablet. One student can share a 3-5 minute testimony and then follow up with questions and an invitation to receive Christ.

Dorm Floor/Resident Assistants

Brainstorm ideas together about how to show a film on their floors to a small group of students. Think of using a movie-night, after a study session, etc. to bring students together. Consider providing light snacks.


Show your students how to download the free BGEA App and walk them through the easy steps of accessing the My Hope films. Set a “share-by” date and encourage them to share a film with a friend via text, email or over coffee. Remind them to pray daily for those on their prayer list.