Prison and Jail Ministry

“Christ has LIBERATED us into freedom.” —Gal. 5:1 (CSB)

You can use My Hope to share the Gospel in your facility. Follow the steps on the Get Started page, download Printable Materials, and plan to show a My Hope Film to reach as many inmates as possible. Show a program during a chapel service, in a class, one-on-one, or in any way to bring people together to hear the Gospel.

Prison Ministry

My Hope Stories from Prisons and Jails

These are just a few stories from the many prisons and jails that have used My Hope.

A prison ministry in Memphis, TN showed The Cross in a large local county jail on five different floors to 135 men. 89 of them made first time and rededication decisions. One of the individuals who helped conduct the My Hope event said “it was a powerful day in the LORD.” This ministry also showed The Cross in a juvenile detention center just two months prior and saw 14 out of 18 young men in attendance pray out loud and stand to receive Christ for the first time.

At MacDougall Correctional Institution in Ridgeville, South Carolina, where regular chapel services are held, a chaplain helped organize a My Hope event led by inmates who were already believers. The Christian inmates were trained to effectively share their faith. They then reached out to their fellow prisoners and invited them to the My Hope event. Of 74 attendees who heard the Gospel, 15 men accepted Christ and 19 others recommitted themselves to Jesus.

A chaplain in a county jail in Florida showed Heaven in both the men’s and women’s side of the facility. The film was shown multiple times on each side resulting in eight first time decisions to follow Christ and 25 rededications on the men’s side, and seven first time decisions and 18 rededications on the women’s side. The chaplain said “Thank you so much for the valuable resource!”